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Showing posts from December, 2018

Career in computer Science

Common roles for graduate include computer programmer,engineer and software designer,financialanalyst and scientific researcher. Graduate in Computer Science from Oxford were the top earners in the 2017 Sunday Times league table of graduate salaries. Six months after graduation their students had achieved a mean salary of £45,000, higher than graduates of all other UK undergraduate degree courses.

courses outline\computer science outline courses

COURSES OUTLINE\COMPUTER SCIENCE OUTLINE COURSES Computer Science: Undergraduate(BSCS) Course outline 1st year Courses Core courses: Continuous mathematics Design and analysis of algorithms Digital systems Discrete mathematics Functional programming Imperative programming Introduction to formal proof Linear algebra Probability Assessment Four exam papers 2nd year Courses Core courses (50%): Algorithms Compilers Concurrent programming Models of computation Current options (50%) include: Computer architecture Computer graphics Computer networks Databases Intelligent systems Logic and proof Assessment Four exam papers 3rd year Courses Current options (67%) include: Computational complexity Machine learning Computer security Computer-aided formal verification Geometric modelling Knowledge representation and reasoning Lambda calculus and types Principles of programming languages Project work (33%) A...

Computer Science Lessons.

Everyone knows thats know a days internet has become a great sourse for us in taking help in every case of life.So if you want to learn about Computer Science itself without any help of college or university ,you can also found many resourses on youtube and one of the best online academy for online courses is Udemy.Udemy gives the one of the best lessons about the subject you need.

Computer Science

Hi Guys Computer Science (CS) is basically all about computer world.In Computer Science you have to learn all the computer languages like C,C++,Java etc.Basically in CS we come to know about computer ,computer system and internet and we learn how they work and many other things.Through CS you would be a programmer that wrote different types of codes for different things and for problem must knew that what is coding actually. Computer science is about understanding computer systems and networks at a deep level.Computers and programs they run are among the most complex products ever created ,designing and using them effectively presents immense challenges.Facing these challenges is the aim of Computer Science as a practical discipline.